
Hi everybody! This will be official later when I have more time! But for now here are your positions information you need and what you do!If you have any problems contact me at w101.academy.council@gmail.com!

Council Director~ Sierra Stormblade
Is in charge of organizing meetings and keeping them orderly.

Chair Woman~ Alia
Is in charge of planning and organizing events also includes choosing who gets to help run them!

Treasury: Approval Dept.~ Courtney Rainsword
Is in charge of approval of use of treasury money. If not approved by said person the council must have a 3/4 vote to override.

Treasury: Gift Dept.~ Emily Thunderheart
Is in charge of any codes we receive that are not worth crowns, keeps track of who and what they go to.
Notes: 0 Gifts

Treasury: Crowns Dept.~ Destiny Deathblade
Is in charge of transactions and crown donations that we receive. Must keep strict accounts.
Notes: 0 Crowns

Secretary~ Reed Legenbreaker
Takes notes throughout meetings and either posts them on site or sends them to Council Director.
Notes: On 2/24/12, we had our very first meeting! We first discussed the point of the Academy Council, which was to unite our academies together and form a supportive community. We then received presentations from the following academies: DOTS Academy~ a spy academy run by Alia; Council of Light~ a historian's academy run by Brahm Rainbowstalker; COWS Academy~ an academy containing all the basics to wizardry run by Reed Legendbreaker; and SpiritHaven~ a questing school run by Sierra Stormblade. There were discussions about why the Academies might not do too well but all of them were overruled. Last but not least, we elected members of council as follows: Council Director~Sierra Stormblade, Chair Woman~Alia, Treasury Approval Dept.~Courtney Rainsword, Treasury Crowns Dept.~Destiny Deathblade, Treasury Gifts Dept.~Emily Thunderheart, Secretary~Reed Legendbreaker, Recorder~Samantha Goldpetal, Reporter~Brahm Rainbowstalker. The meeting was then adjourned.

Recorder~ Samantha Goldpetal
Reads Secretary's notes of previous meeting at the start of each meeting.
Notes: On 2/24/12, we had our very first meeting! We first discussed the point of the Academy Council, which was to unite our academies together and form a supportive community. We then received presentations from the following academies: DOTS Academy~ a spy academy run by Alia; Council of Light~ a historian's academy run by Brahm Rainbowstalker; COWS Academy~ an academy containing all the basics to wizardry run by Reed Legendbreaker; and SpiritHaven~ a questing school run by Sierra Stormblade. There were discussions about why the Academies might not do too well but all of them were overruled. Last but not least, we elected members of council as follows: Council Director~Sierra Stormblade, Chair Woman~Alia, Treasury Approval Dept.~Courtney Rainsword, Treasury Crowns Dept.~Destiny Deathblade, Treasury Gifts Dept.~Emily Thunderheart, Secretary~Reed Legendbreaker, Recorder~Samantha Goldpetal, Reporter~Brahm Rainbowstalker. The meeting was then adjourned.

Reporter~ Brahm Rainbowstalker
Spys on academies and reports what he sees.

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